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Member Highlight: Shannon Ivey

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

What are you working on right now?

Growing coaching biz/inspired speaking

Who is your ideal client?

Woman 30-65 in life transition

What is your big picture vision for your business?

A suite of coaches/central program/book

What is a common misconception about your work?

It’s not helpful.

What is your guilty pleasure?


Why Femme X Columbia?

My people are here.

How do you describe Femme X to others?

Coworking + community + great vibes

What is your favorite Femme X amenity?

I love the loft + pitchy women + nice bathrooms

What is your best piece of business advice?

Follow your fire

What does your ideal Saturday look like?

Coffee + wander + food + nap + do it again

Do you have any passion projects outside of your job?


Who is your biggest inspiration?

The woman beside me. Wherever I am.

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